Green Initiatives

SEAT Planners is passionate about the environment. We work tirelessly to offset and reduce our impact.

Carbon Offset Program
Until vehicles become available that don’t produce carbon dioxide (CO2) or other contaminants, we will look for ways to offset our carbon footprint. The following program is part of our best practices.
- SEAT Planners measure the amount of the carbon dioxide produced by an event’s transportation.
- SEAT Planners partners with the Bonneville Environmental Foundation to offset the CO2 generated by the shuttle buses by creating responsive and credible climate solutions. BEF | Sustainability Products and Services (
Efficiency of Motorcoaches (buses)
Motorcoaches are more fuel efficient than cars.
- Buses produce the equivalent of 250 passenger miles per gallon of fuel.
- A bus can remove up to 55 car or taxi trips from the road for every trip they make.
- A bus with only seven passengers is still more fuel efficient than a car with only one passenger.
- Twenty people using taxis would produce more than double the carbon dioxide than if guests traveled by bus.
Transportation Suppliers
We have a preference for motorcoaches (buses) that meet or exceed emission objectives such as:
- high-efficiency, low-emissions engines like four-cycle electronic engines
- exhaust control equipment
- vehicle-wash conservation practices
- alternative energy vehicles including electric, hybrid, bio fuels and compressed natural gas
- diesel vehicles that use ultra-low sulfur fuel
- carpooling for driver relief and replacement
At the Meeting Site
We employ strict practices at our event venues. These include:
- limiting vehicle idling to five minutes or less
- designing and monitoring routes for efficiency
- scheduling vehicles for maximum passenger efficiency
- making multiple trips per vehicle
- recycling flashlight, radio and cellphone batteries
- recycling signage and any unused paperwork
- carpooling staff to shuttle site as well as reusing bed sheets and bath towels in accommodations
In our SEAT Planners offices
We don’t just talk the talk but carry our beliefs through to daily life in our offices, including:
- encourage employee carpooling and use of public transit
- recycle all clean paper and toner cartridges
- use, wash and reuse dishes, cups and utensils
- use fans whenever possible instead of air conditioning
- use compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) instead of incandescent lamps
- use 30 percent content recycled paper
- use no straws
- set conservation goals for electric usage
- recycle beverage bottles and cans
Click here for a PDF of our Green Practices.
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